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The world-renowned Churchill gunmakers was formed in 1891 and is one of the best known of all English gunmakers. Many guns have been made in London over the centuries, but few carry the cachet of a Churchill gun! Here is the colorful history of a company that has seen success and jubilation as well as drama and defeat. Through it all Churchill guns remain some of the most sought-after in the world. The reader will find in these pages the complete history as well as wonderfully entertaining anecdotes of the Churchill family and its colorful gunmaking members, including Edwin J. Churchill, who established the company, and Robert Churchill, who became known as an international gunmaker and ballistics expert. The history of the company and its guns is also thoroughly analyzed. There is detailed information on the glory years, the famous Churchill XXV gun, which was advocated by Robert Churchill but had its detractors, the difficult pre-WWII years, the Atkin, Grant, & Lang years, and the age of conglomerates. This marvelous work on the house of Churchill contains serial numbers and dates of manufacture of its guns from 1891 forward, price lists from 1895 onward, a complete listing of all craftsmen employed at the company, as well as the prices realized at the famous Dallas auction where the "last" production guns were sold. The treatment of all aspects of this gunmaker is so thorough that it contains details that will defy even the greatest expert! In addition it includes much information on the London and Birmingham Proof Houses and the general administration of the gun trade. This massive work is well illustrated with hundreds of color and black and white photos, period brochures, and gun labels, and it includes dozens of charts, tables, appendices, and a detailed index. It was written by Don Masters, a longtime Churchill employee, who is keeping the flame of Churchill alive.

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